The purpose of the church is to worship God, equip the saints, and reach the world, in that order. Jesus is the head of his church and has delegated his authority through gifts to the “5 fold” ministry in order to continue in his mission to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.
There is a vacuum of truth in our society. We must remember that God does not just tell the truth or deliver the truth, but he is the Truth. Regardless of our lived experience and opinion, God stands alone as the truth and giver of true justice.
We commit to a culture of living and telling the truth in humility under a God who set the universe in motion. This means that in all that we do, from song lyrics, to art, to preaching, what we teach our children, and in our personal relationships and business; will be truthful as God has set out in his word. Truth is our default, not a secondary or peripheral issue.
Excellence does not just mean “a really great service”. Excellence should and can pervade all aspects of culture. Including but not limited to our worship, preaching, teaching, service, family life, and very importantly our words and actions. Everything that we do is before the eyes of God. We aim to build a culture and a church, that when under the watchful eye of the head of the church, Jesus; what we build would be deemed precious metal, not hay and straw.
Christ has set us free from the law of sin and death that once dwelt in our flesh. In our church context that means in all we aim to do we will continue to do the work of Christ to destroy the works of the devil in people’s minds and hearts. We do not ascribe to a God in heaven who is a therapist that makes you simply feel good, but one who wants to set us free from the slavery of our own wrong thoughts and motivations.
God has set us free, so we take seriously the responsibility of that freedom and to give that to others as they encounter the word and the presence of God.
It is for freedom Christ has set us free
He whom the Son sets free is free indeed
Fun and celebrating a win is a christian warriors best form of gratitude to God. When we win, we’ll shout it from the rooftops. When you win, everyone wins and we will vocally celebrate that. God calls us to be overcomers and not victims, and overcoming and endurance individually and corporately will be celebrated. Having fun and claiming victories is worship, not pride. Let’s have fun, that’s an order…
Knowing that every single human being is living in a difficult world with challenges all their own, laughter is the best medicine. Taking yourself too seriously is not a fruit of the Spirit and won’t be treated as one. Being able to both take and bring laughter to the church is a gift that softens difficult conversations, opens the hearts and minds of those recieving the word, curbs offense, and generally makes life alot better.